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14 Fracheboud T, Stiefel F, Bourquin C. The fragility of trust between patients and oncologists: A multiple case study. Palliat Support Care. 2022 Jun;1–9. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35770349.
15 Simões Morgado L, Stiefel F, Gholam M, Bourquin C. Calling: Never seen before or heard of – A survey among Swiss physicians. Work. 2022;72(2):657–65.
16 Nikles M, Bourquin C, Stiefel F. “Everybody distracts me and prevents me from succeeding”: A psychodynamic-oriented approach of medical students’ dreams of evaluation. Int J Dream Res. 2022;15(1):9–17.
17 Bourquin C, Monti M, Saraga M, Stiefel F, Kraege V, Gachoud D, et al. Running against the clock: a qualitative study of internal medicine residents’ work experience. Swiss Med Wkly. 2022 Aug;152:w30216.
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22 Kraege V, Gavin A, Norambuena J, Stiefel F, Méan M, Bourquin C. What remains after the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic in the physicians’ mind? Manuscript in preparation.
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